Quilling sau arta de a rula hartia
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Scris: Saturday, October 6, 2007 6:04 PM
Nivel: Senior

Inregistrat: 1/8/2007
Mesaje: 6843
The History of Quilling

PAPER-ROLLING, PAPER-SCROLLING, FILIGREE, MOSAIC and QUILLING are all names which have been given to this craft during its long history. Some sources suggest that it was practised in Ancient Egypt.

Work of high quality was achieved by French and Italian nuns in the 16th and 17th centuries, genteel ladies in the Stuart period, ladies of leisure in the Georgian and Regency periods and it is currently enjoying a modern revival. It also spread to North Amercia with the settlers.Those of us who quill today, find we have something in common with Elizabeth, daughter of George III, Joseph Bramah (famous locksmith), Mrs Delany (pioneer of other paperwork and friend of Dean Swift), Jane Austen who mentions it in 'Sense and Sensibility' and the Bronte sisters: quite a distinguished gathering of enthusiasts!

Nuns on the continent decorated reliquaries and holy pictures, adding gilding and much ornamentation. The ecclesiastical connection was maintained when the art spread to England with the development of paper, though vellum and parchment were also used. Poorer churches produced religious pictures with rolled decoration. When gilded or silvered, it was difficult to distinguish it from real gold or silver filigree work.

It was a craft never practised by 'working-class' women in the past. Indeed, it was a decorative art which ladies of leisure would use to work panels and coats-of-arms. Later it was extended to include covering tea-caddies, workboxes, screens, cabinets, frames etc. Background for these often included foil, mica or flaked shells. Beautiful boxes were made by cabinet makers, with recessed sides. These were advertised and sold, often to Boarding Schools for young ladies. '......it affords an amusement to the female mind capable of the most pleasing and extensive variety; and at the same time, it conduces to fill up a leisure hour with an innocent recreation...' (The New Lady's Magazine - 1786)

In 1875 an attempt was made to reintroduce the craft by Wm. Bemrose. A kit called 'Mosaicon' was produced, together with a handbook. Another reference has been discovered in an Edwardian book of household management entitled 'Floral Mosaicon'. In the article mention is made of pieces being purchased by Queen Mary and Queen Alexander.

Many museums have examples of antique work and a booklet is available from the Quilling Guild publications officer. More pieces are being located all the time and research is continuing.

Quilling Shapes

Loose Scroll

Roll one end of the strip, leaving the other end loose

Open Heart

Crease the strip at its centre. Then roll each end in toward the crease.

S Scroll

Roll one end of the strip toward the strip's centre. Then roll the other end toward the centre to make an S shape.

Connected Scrolls

Roll several loose scrolls. Curve the unrolled ends away from the rolled ends. Then position one roll next to another by curving the loose end of one shape around the rolled end of the next shape. Glue each scoll to the one next to it.

C scroll

Roll both ends of the strip toward the strip's centre.

Double Scroll

Tear two lengths of paper, one shoter than the other. Rest two strips on top of one another, with one end of the shorter length ¼" from the end of the longer length. Glue the strips together at this opverlapping point. Roll the double strip, starting with the end that has the longer stip on the outside. Release the tension on the roll and then pull slightly on the shorter length to seperate the coile

Scris: Saturday, October 6, 2007 6:10 PM
Nivel: Senior

Inregistrat: 1/8/2007
Mesaje: 6843

Iata si cateva modele:

Scris: Saturday, October 6, 2007 8:04 PM

Inregistrat: 4/4/2006
Mesaje: 8978
Wow! Eu si mainile mele stangi nu am putea face in veci asa minunatii!
Scris: Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:54 PM

Inregistrat: 2/14/2006
Mesaje: 36610
cute_baby_of_mine wrote:
Wow! Eu si mainile mele stangi nu am putea face in veci asa minunatii!

Nici noi! pale
Scris: Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:09 PM
Nivel: SAFIR

Inregistrat: 2/26/2006
Mesaje: 16505
Foarte frumos...si migalos!what
Scris: Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:25 PM

Inregistrat: 5/27/2006
Mesaje: 14390
Extraordinar de frumos!bravo
Fara a stii ca asta e o arta, faceam si eu in generala ceva de genul asta, dar mult mai putin frumos.
Imi facea o placere deosebita sa-mi fac bijuterii din hartie, dar ideea e ca nimeni nu-si dadea seama din ce erau facute... le combinam in moduri cat mai ingenioase... inclusiv cu paste fainoase prajite sau vopsite...
Cristy, stii cumva ce se foloseste pentru a rula hartia? Eu ma ajutam de o mina ingusta de pix, dar vad ca astea sunt de marimi diferite.
Zau ca as incerca daca as avea ustensilele necesare; m-ar interesa in mod deosebit sa fac niste invitatii pt. botez, pentru a surprinde pe cineva drag.
Scris: Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:57 PM
Nivel: Senior

Inregistrat: 1/8/2007
Mesaje: 6843
Uite gasesti aici mai multe info despre unelte de quilling

Scris: Sunday, October 7, 2007 10:03 PM

Inregistrat: 5/27/2006
Mesaje: 14390
Cristy wrote:
Uite gasesti aici mai multe info despre unelte de quilling

M-am lamurit care -cum -sunt, dar nu cred sa gasesc vreun site care sa livreze si in Ro.
Cred ca o sa improvizez cevascratch
Scris: Sunday, October 7, 2007 10:12 PM
Nivel: Senior

Inregistrat: 1/8/2007
Mesaje: 6843
Uie si o revista care explica mai multe (Kiki, Cute sincera nu cred ca este foarte greu, cel putin din poze, trebuie putina rabdare)

sper sa nu fii incurcat paginile scratch
Scris: Sunday, October 7, 2007 11:24 PM
Nivel: Senior

Inregistrat: 1/8/2007
Mesaje: 6843
Am mai gasit si aceste instructuini:

Materials needed:

- pre-cut strips of quilling paper, purchased at hobby and craft stores, or you can make your own by cutting 1/8-inch strips of paper into 8-inch lengths
- specially designed quilling tool, available from craft stores, or you may use household objects, such as toothpicks, pins, paintbrush, or knitting needles
- white glue
- a ruler to help you produce uniform shapes
- a work board, such as a piece of corrugated board covered with wax paper or plastic wrap

Scris: Monday, October 8, 2007 5:50 PM
Nivel: Avansat

Inregistrat: 2/17/2006
Mesaje: 4933
wow !!!! Super interesant !!! bravo
Pe mine ma tenteaza foarte tare, doar ca acum chiar n-am timp deloc uff
Scris: Monday, March 31, 2008 9:50 AM
Nivel: Guest

Inregistrat: 2/12/2006
Mesaje: 14

si mie imi place mult sa fac tot felul de chestii, cautand pagini in romana despre quilling v-am gasit!

o sa pun si eu cateva din creatiile mele, dupa ce reusesc sa fac cateva poze mai reusite.

in ro se gasesc in magazinele de hobby seturi de quilling, care contin fasiile de hartie si acul acela special. pentru ca fiica mea imi tot rataceste acul, si ea fiind mare creatoare, eu mi-am facut mai multe, din ace de cusut lana, din acelea cu capatul mai maire, pe care le-am taiat la capatul opus varfului cu un patent. asa am ajuns sa am un ac cu capatul ca o furculita... mama ce de explicatii am dat. dar ati inteles, nu?

intr-adevar, ies lucruri extraordinare cu tehnica asta.

Scris: Monday, March 31, 2008 11:29 AM

Inregistrat: 1/17/2008
Mesaje: 27681
dianabv sant curioasalove love love
waw acum am vazut si eu topicul ce minunatii!!!
Scris: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 12:29 PM
Nivel: Grupa mica

Inregistrat: 9/28/2007
Mesaje: 121
Asteptam creatiile tale dianabv!
Scris: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 12:42 PM
Nivel: Avansat

Inregistrat: 4/4/2006
Mesaje: 1856
Cristy , superb, nu am cuvinte, of of de ce nu stiu sa fac si eu asemenea minunatii
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