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Scris: Saturday, October 8, 2016 2:43 PM
Nivel: Membru

Inregistrat: 11/7/2012
Mesaje: 4
Am gasit cateva modele frumoase, insa nu cunosc termenii specifici pentru tricotaje. Asa inteleg in mare , insa nu pricep tehnica. Ma poate ajuta cineva cu traducerea?

Worked in the round on needle from bottom up.
Cast on 88-94-98 (104-106) sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm with light brown mix. Work rib, K1/P1, until piece measures 4-5-5 (6-6) cm. K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 10-10-14 (14-16) sts evenly = 78-84-84 (90-90) sts.
Change to circular needle size 4.5 mm. Insert 6 markers in piece with 13-14-14 (15-15) sts between each marker. Work M.3A and then continue in stocking st and light brown mix - AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st to the right of all markers by K2 tog (= 6 dec sts per round). Repeat the dec (with 1 less st between each dec each time) on every other round another 3 times = 54-60-60 (66-66) sts. After the last round with dec work M.3B and then continue in stocking st and light brown mix, AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st to the right of all markers (= 6 dec sts). K 1 round and work another round with dec as before = 42-48-48 (54-54) sts. Work M.3C and then continue in stocking st and light brown mix until finished measurements, AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st to the right off all markers as before. Repeat the dec on every other round a total of 3-3-4 (4-5) times = 24-30-24 (30-24) sts on needle. K2 tog all the way round, cut the thread, pull it through remaining sts, tighten and fasten.

Make 1 pompom in off-white with a diameter of approx 4 cm. Attach it to the top of hat.

oanaalbu attached the following image(s):

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