vreau sa fac si eu ptr catei mei costumasul asta dar fara caciulita..am incercat si am sticat o bucata de material..ma poate ajuta cineva pls..poate cu explicati mai simple sau cum sa fac un patern (desen ceva simplu)
In urma cu 4 ani am facut o alergie ff urata de la ceara..normal ca dupa o perioada am apelat la un dermatolog..care mi-a spus sa ma epilez definitiv..dar mi-a spus ca dureaza mult sedintele se fac la luna sau 2 sau 3 dif..si dupa 2 ani imi va creste iar..deci definitiv nu este. Acum am un aparat cu care ma epilez si nu am problebe deloc..nici alergie nici par sub piele..(si doare mai putin decat cu ceara);)
Eu am 5ha apropape de Timisoara..vreau sa le vand dar nu stiu la ce pret merge piata..nu am mai fost de vreo 3 ani pe acasa..poate ma ajuta cineva cu vreo informatie.(din cate am auzit a devenit construibil)
Eu am 5ha apropape de Timisoara..vreau sa le vand dar nu stiu la ce pret merge piata..nu am mai fost de vreo 3 ani pe acasa..poate ma ajuta cineva cu vreo informatie.(din cate am auzit a devenit construibil)
KNITTED MEASUREMENTS Cuff-to-cuff: 45 1/2 (46 1/2, 47 1/2)" Width at back: 16 1/2 (17 1/2, 18 1/2)"
MATERIALS Approximately 350 (400, 450) yds of yarn One pair size 9 (5.5mm) needles One pair size 10 (6.0mm) needles or size to obtain gauge One blunt-end yarn needle
GAUGE 16 sts and 22 rows = 4"/10cm over patt st using larger needles
NOTE: Click on links in pattern to view more technique information. When you are finished, close the link and return to the pattern.
ABBREVIATIONS beg = beginning inc = increase dec = decrease k = knit k2tog = knit 2 stitches together patt(s) = pattern(s) sts = stitch(es) WS = wrong side yo = yarn over
PATTERN STITCH Row 1 K3, *yo, k2tog; rep from * to last 3 sts, k3. Rep Row 1 for openwork patt.
SHRUG With smaller needles, cast on 44 (46, 48) sts. Work in garter st (k every row) for 1", ending with a WS row. Change to larger needles and begin openwork pattern. Begin pattern stitch and work 10 rows. *Inc Row 1: K3, yo, work in patt as established to last 3 sts, yo, k3. Inc Row 2: K3, yo, k1, work in patt as established to last 4 sts, yo, k4-48 (50, 52) sts. Work 12 rows even. Rep from * 3 times more, then work Inc Rows 1 and 2 once more-64 (66, 68) sts. Work even in patt as established until sleeve measures 14 1/2" from beg or desired length. Place a marker at each end of the row to indicate end of sleeve. Work even until piece measures 16 1/2 (17 1/2, 18 1/2)" from markers or desired length. Place another set of markers to indicate beg of next sleeve. Work even for 6 rows. *Dec Row 1: K3, [no yo] k2tog; work in patt to last 5 sts; [no yo], k2tog, k3. Dec Row 2: K2, k2tog, work in patt to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2-60 (62, 64) sts. Work 12 rows even row. Rep from * 3 times more, then work Dec Rows 1 and 2 once more-44 (46, 48) sts. Work even in patt as established until sleeve measures 13 1/2" from markers or desired length. Change to smaller needles and work garter st for 1". Bind off loosely.
FINISHING Block to measurements. Sew sleeve seams from cuff to markers, or as desired.
Poate sa ma ajute si pe mine cineva cu traducerea?? ca nu prea inteleg tot..mam apucat si am incurcat tot http://http://www.craftyarncouncil.com/mar06_openwork.html
Sunt tare frumoase super !! Dar eu nam mai facut pana acum nici plover nici bolero,si nici nu stiu cum se face modelul de la cel maro.
Ai dreptate Ema e cam strans si nici vorba de numarat randurile(eu am incercat si nam reusit),azi am fost la magazin si am gasit fir Lisa ma gandeam sa incerc sa fac dar problema e ca nu stiu sa fac bolero:) de aceea rog pe cineva care stie si ar dori sa ma ajute cu niste explicati...as fi tare tare bucuroasa
Am lucrat cu 12 ochiuri cateva randuri cu andrele nr:4 si a iesit cam 7cm latime.
Nu prea stiu ce nr sa folosesc pe eticheta nu scrie nimic eu am andrele de nr 4,3,2 si 7 dar nu stiu exact cu care sa fac.
Buna,ma puteti ajuta va rog,ca vreau si eu sa fac un bolero sau un poncho de marimea 36-38,dar nu prea stiu cum,nu stiu cate ochiuri imi trebuie si cum trebuie scazut. Am sa pun niste poze cu modelu care as vrea sal fac si cu lanita care o am.